The main application screen consists of three main areas.
- The Server List area where your configured server connects can be selected.
- The Server Detail area is where you can maintain the selected servers configuration details. This is also where you start and stop the server.
- The log output area

The steps to add a new server are as follows:
- From File Menu Select Add Server.

- In the Add Server enter a name and select Ok.

The steps to start server are as follows:
- Once your server is created and configured you can select the Start Server button. If the server is successfully started you should see a little green icon next to the Server in the Server List.

- You server should now be started and listening for FTP clients to connect. You can start multiple servers but they must not be configured to listen on the same port.

The steps to connect with the WinSCP FTP client server are as follows:
- Create a session with the host name and the port the application is listening on.
The user name you will connect with is your MII user and password.
All security is handles by the MII instance so your user will need to have appropriate access.

- Once connected you should be able to browse the virtual MII file system as if you there was a real file system behind the FTP server.

- You can now transfer files back and forth and deploy content as needed.
The steps to connect with the Notepad++ using the NppFTP plugin are as follows:
To connect with Notepad++ and edit files on a server you can use the NppFTP plugin. From the Plugins menu select NppFTP→Show NppFTP Window.
NppFTP window select the settings icon
and then Profile settings and then configure your profile.

- Connect to the server using the connection icon
and you should be able to browse and edit files on the server using Notepad ++.

The steps to connect with Eclipse - Netweaver Developer Studio are as follows
- From the menu bar select Help–>Install New Software… .

- From the ‘Available Software’ window click on the ‘Available Software Sites’ link.

- Make sure that the update site for the Eclipse version NWDS is based on is enabled.
- If it is not Select it (in this case it is named Galileo) and select ‘Enable’

- On the ‘Available Software’ window select the site in the ‘Work with:’ box.
- Type ‘Remote System Explorer’ in the Filter field.
- Select the ‘Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime’ and ‘.. User Actions’ check boxes
- Select ‘Next’.

- Review and accept the Licenses.
- Select ‘Finish’.

- This installation of the plugins will now run.

- You may need to approve the Eclipse foundation certificate.

- When prompted restart Netweaver Developer Studio.

- Now that the RSE plugins are installed we can configure a connection to oxcart.
- From the Netweaver Developer Studio main menu select Window–>Open Perspective–>(Maybe Other…)–>Remote System Explorer.

- After the perspective loads select File–>New–>Other…–>Remote System Explorer–>Connection.

- On the Select Remote System Type screen select ‘FTP Only’.
- Select ‘Next’.

- On the Remote FTP Only System Connection screen set the Host name with the host or ip address of the system oxcart is running on.
- Give your connection a name and description.
- Select ‘Next’.

- On the Files screen select FTP Settings.

- We need to change the parser property to UnixDefault.
- There is a bug in eclipse that hides the drop down. You will need to stretch the window to make it appear.

- Set the parser Property value to ~UnixDefault

- You may need to set the port for the connection to the one you configured in oxcart.
- In the Remote Systems tab right click on the Files node and select Properties.

- On the Properties for Files window select ‘Subsystem’.
- Set the Port value to the one you configured oxcart to listen on.

- Try to open the root node or right click –> connect to connect.

- Enter your MII username and password.

- You should now be able to brows the MII virtual file system.

- Open your changed file in the workbench and confirm.

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